Sunday, March 10, 2019

Dedication at Every Turn

While on the road a Penske truck drove past me and my eyes were drawn to the words inscribed on the truck: Dedication at every turn.  The LORD spoke to me through this:

"When in transition dedication is required at every turn!"

Dedication is defined as the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.  Notice that it says "every turn" which indicates that there is going to be several turns during the transitioning.  Most times weariness, discouragement and doubt take place after the first couple of turns.  We begin to question God's move.  However, we must understand that we are not in the driver's seat.  We are the contents being moved!  Therefore the operator knows which turns to take. He has the map of destination.  What is required of us is obedience and commitment to the plans He has for our lives.  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Monday, October 22, 2018

On October 15th and 16th, 2018  I had dreams that I want to share in hopes of awakening the spirit of man!

On the 15th I had a vision within my dream. All I saw was the words "SPIRIT RISE" written in large white letters. 

The following night, I had a dream of a gathering of both men and women. A woman who was hosting the gathering was speaking. While she spoke, the men were slouched back in their chairs with their arms crossed, disinterested. As she is speaking I see the apathy among them. I was sitting on the side waiting for her to release me to speak. When she did, I spoke as I sat in my chair. However, I sensed a heaviness in the atmosphere. Suddenly, I rose up from my chair and out of the depth of my spirit, I cried out "How long! How long are you going to do the same things?!" "How long WILL YOU CONTINUE to do the same things?" 

At this point, the men were nodding their heads in agreement. Slowly they sat upright in their chair and uncrossed their arms. What they heard caught their attention for it was the heart cry of the Father. I continued to say "Obviously, it hasn't done anything for you. The weight that is on you is the cause and you need to throw it off your shoulders." (END OF DREAM)